Lymphatic drainage can help with everything from reducing bloating to improving circulation and contouring the body…and the latest innovation in lymphatic massage is the Icoone device.

We appreciate your interest in the Icoone device which is a truly unique full body anti-aging/silhouette remodeling/lymphatic drainage machine employed at the finest spas and wellness centers around the world. Skin + Tonic is very proud to be the first in CT to offer this advanced modality. Icoone is a patented, non-invasive technology that has a multitude of health and beauty applications.

Each treatment performs several functions at once:

  • The mechanical rollers stimulate collagen and elastin fibers in the micro vacuole to deliver and anti-aging and regenerative effect on the quality of skin (tighten and smooth the skin/fine lines + wrinkles/scar revision)

  • The combination of the mechanical rollers and suction squeeze the lipids (fatty acids) out of the fat cells (literally shrinks fat cells and breaks up areas of hardened fat on the body)

  • The maneuvering of the robotic rollers provides a full body lymphatic drainage to mobilize and remove metabolic waste in the body (improved health + wellness, less bloating, swelling and heaviness)

There is zero downtime with this non-invasive, extremely pleasant therapy and results can be seen and felt instantly. This therapy can be used pre/post surgery, pre/post travel, any time you are feeling a bit run down or can be done in a series to make impressive improvements in the silhouette of the body-breaking up areas of hardened fat, cellulite, tightening the skin, post pregnancy and the list goes on. This is a medical grade device that has medical applications and can have a profound effect on your overall health and well-being and can also help manage pain, inflammation, scarring, stretch marks, bruising, and edema.

Check icoone out in vogue

See these amazing before and after results

  • Cellulite reduction solutions exist today, and icoone is one of the best strategies for the best cellulite treatment, because it acts on the root of the causes of the imperfection. The technology of the method is based on the use of special handpieces equipped with microstimulators which, like thousands of tiny hands, massage the skin, providing up to 21,600 microstimulations per minute: it is the so-called Multi Micro Alveolar Stimulation, an innovative and unique stimulation which allows for mobilizing the skin and subcutaneous tissue down to the deepest layers.

    Scientific studies have shown that this micro-massage offers macro results: blood flow increases and connective tissue fibres become more flexible, so metabolic exchanges are promoted, tension on adipose tissue is reduced, drainage and blood circulation improve and with them the appearance and quality of cellulite skin.

  • Subcutaneous fat reduction for body shaping is therefore the dream of many. But without having to resort to a scalpel, which is scary because of the possible side effects, the need for anaesthesia and the long recovery time. The good news is that today the solution for body contouring exists in an effective and non-invasive way: icoone is one of the best devices for non surgical body contouring thanks to Roboderm®, an innovative technology that performs the so-called Multi Micro Alveolar Stimulation, that mobilizes cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue down to the deepest layers, boost circulation, drains liquids and promotes the reduction of fat deposits.

  • The facial massage possible with icoone, which thanks to micro-handpieces just 7 mm wide can reach everywhere on the face and neck, in fact improves circulation in the skin by activating the production of elastin and collagen by fibroblasts. In addition, treatment with icoone leaves skin fibres more elastic, with an in instantaneous anti aging and skin rejuvenation effect, with visible results after just a few minutes of application. Thanks to this anti aging skin care intervention pleasant and gentle, completely painless, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin regains firmness and elasticity and is visibly more radiant: in short, it looks younger.

  • Sagging skin is the result of a loss of structure in this organ, the largest in our body and in very close correlation with the tissues underneath: we must not imagine it as a layer resting on top of our body, but as a whole with the subcutaneous tissue. When the collagen and elastin fibres that are found in subcutaneous tissue and support the skin like a scaffold become thinner, more fragile and rigid, or when there is an emptying of the tissues due to a sudden loss of weight, the skin ‘gives way’ and this happens especially in certain areas of the body:

    the face, which loses tone as the years go by because the subcutaneous connective tissue is less and less rich in collagen; the chin and cheeks in particular often become visibly droopy;

    the neck, an area where the skin is very fragile and thin, tends to show even more all the signs of ageing, so much so that a neck tightening may be necessary even before skin slackening is too visible on the face;

    the stomach is one of the first ‘victims’ of skin slackening when you lose a lot of weight in a fairly short time, but the arms and legs can also be affected by this effect of emptying of the tissues.

  • This micro-massage is possible through special handpieces equipped with microstimulators which, like thousands of tiny hands, massage the skin, providing up to 21,600 microstimulations per minute with multiple positive effects:

    blood flow increases

    the tissue is more oxygenated and drained

    metabolic exchanges are encouraged

    fibroblasts produce more elastin and collagen

    skin is revitalized and firmed.

    The practical translation of all this is a non-invasive face lift and a non-invasive breast lift: the eyelids are decongested, the double chin is more toned, the lips are naturally made plump; the skin of the cleavage is smoother and more compact, the neck is firmed; the breasts are reshaped and more lifted. For a long-lasting more radiant, more youthful appearance, with visible results from the very first session.

  • A lymphatic massage that instantly drains and rejuvenates the face and body, thanks to deep stimulation with the icoone handpieces

    What is the lowest common denominator of heavy legs, swollen ankles, swollen eyelids? Often, a non-ideal lymphatic circulation: if lymph stagnates in the tissues and is not drained, it accumulates, creating swelling and circulatory difficulties, even to the point of causing the appearance of cellulite. On the other hand, when the tissues are well drained, legs are light, there is no water stagnation and skin looks brighter and more compact.

    The areas most affected by lymphatic stagnation

    Many woman learns from a very young age what is water retention: it swells the legs, makes them heavy and can also become the harbinger of cellulite. It is often caused by a lymphatic system that does not work perfectly: by draining waste products, the lymph that flows in the tissue of the whole body drainage (lymph drainage), is in fact normally collected and poured into the veins by proper functioning of peripheral, lymphatic and blood microcirculation. If you don’t exercise enough or are overweight, the passage can be obstructed and lymphatic drainage becomes inadequate, so in some places, stagnation turns into noticeable swelling.

    feet and ankles can often swell because they are peripheral extremities from which the journey of lymph is longer, and bad habits such as too high heels or tight shoes can worsen the problem;

    legs, from the thighs to the calves, can be affected more often by water retention, especially if, for example, you spend a lot of time standing in the same position or sit for too long;

    the face can be affected by stagnation of liquids, especially around the eyes and especially in the morning, when you do not get enough sleep or sleep badly, if you drink alcohol or smoke, or even if you do not drink enough liquids.

  • -Immune Boosting through oxygenating blood and removing metabolic waste in the body

    -Improve Scar Tissue, Burn Scars, C-Section Scars, Stretch Marks

    -Pre/Post Surgery

    -Pregnancy and post pregnancy abdomen tightening


    -Pain, Inflammation, Injury + Swelling

    -Relaxation + Rejuvenation

    -Lymphadema or Fibrosis